The William A Hazel team is working with Van Metre to develop the Carter’s Crossing neighborhood of Heritage at Marshall, a new master-planned community within a five minute walk of Downtown Marshall.

After completing Phase I in mid-2021, WAH was awarded Phase II, Phase III and Marshall Sanitary Improvements in November 2022.

Carter’s Crossing Phase II and Phase III is a complete site work package that includes 216,742 CY of excavation, rock blasting, storm, sanitary, over 6,000 LF of water in associated storm sewer, curb/gutter base stone and paving stone.

Marshall Sanitary Improvement includes 420 LF of Bore under Route 66 and installation of 1,254 LF of 24in and 271 LF of 18in of sanitary sewer. Boring under Interstate 66 is slightly hampered due to obstructions like hitting rocks and tree stump, but our team was able to push the casing pipe efficiently.

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